There are also "Manowar1" and "SP_Manowar", which are the same ship model with very different texture files.

And on that note, PoTC does have "Battlemanowar1" but calls it "Manowar2". Nameplates can be added in the texture file. That ship in the video certainly does appear to be "Battlemanowar1".

And i can try just adding guns on top deck(where ppl walk) to make it 4th full gundeck.Usually ships have 4-10 cannons only each side there for some reason Its just weird that noone felt like it only cuz its "unhistorical" with 100 years ahead of game timeline =\. Well id like to do at least smthing like "ocean" with 120-130 cannons then. Got alot of diff names not sure what i called i can upload a model.Model name also Santisima1. Not sure whats better to make model of Victory larger by 10-20% (is it easy?) and adding-moving cannons or adding moving into that Ascold Quest 1st Lineship u can get it from. Its pretty much looks similar to Santisima in some games (Naval Action screens) And black&white is COAS - ETHO(ppl port it to) last ones corsairs.That has a textur folder named "santisima1" and also looks big enough & alot empty space for cannons. Yeah its an HMS Victory it seems by ship_init.c ? With 104 cannons(blah i wanna 130-140! as it had).

But Santisima Trinidad had the quarterdeck extended into a whole fourth gun deck. Perhaps someone copied the ship into a mod for a different game - all the later games such as "Age of Pirates: Caribbean Tales" and "Age of Pirates 2: City of Abandoned Ships" have separate folders for each ship model.)Ī proper model of Santisima Trinidad would need more than just extra guns, though you could create the French "Ocean" class by doing that. I created "SP_FirstRate" for use in the mod for "Pirates of the Caribbean", which stores all its ship texture files in "RESOURCE\Textures\Ships". (Incidentally, I don't know of a texture folder called "santisima1". This is because I did that in response to someone else's request for the Santisima Trinidad and I know nothing of Maya, so all I can do is retexturing. The current Santisima Trinidad is "SP_FirstRate" which is just "RN_FirstRate" with a different texture. Instead of putting them on Imgur, perhaps you could upload them directly here? There's an "Upload a File" button which allows you to upload various types of file to the forum, including.